Tory council removes goal posts from Daisy Hill playing field

Liberal Democrat town councillors are campaigning for the goal posts to be reinstated

Daisy Hill residents are angered by a decision by Tory run Bolton Council to remove the goal posts at St James Street playing fields - and their refusal to reinstate them.

Residents have contacted the Liberal Democrat town councillors for Daisy Hill to express their dismay at the decision.

The goal posts were removed after becoming rotten, but instead of replacing them, Bolton Council is now claiming that they can’t be reinstated because of the playing field surface.

Westhoughton town councillors Deirdre McGeown, Ollie Younge, Gillian Wroe and David Wilkinson recently visited the site to call on the council to reinstate the goal posts.

Councillor Wroe said: “It’s ridiculous that the council has removed the goal posts at a time when we’ve just had the World Cup and Bolton Council is claiming that it is going to be supporting the rugby.”

Councillor Wilkinson added: “Parents of children who use the playing field are quite rightly angry about this decision. The playing fields are a good area for local children to play football.

“We as Liberal Democrat councillors are urging the council to reverse this decisions and to reinstate the goal posts.”


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